Front end work, does not work

standup | Dec. 27, 2022, 6:02 a.m.

Years have passed since our last update, at least according to internet time which ages like a fine aged dog.  Despite the k9 issues at hand.  It seems our developer has sniffed out some progress.  Although dismal to our judgment, to his, a masterpiece. 

As we can see, there is now some features, and event styling in the create event page.  As the few readers of this blog would remember, before it looked like a flying piece of crap.  Not much has changed, now the crap is no longer flying.  It has instead hit a fan. 

Regardless of homage to Kramer.  We continue on with more of this development that has occurred as we scroll the page a bit, we see this

And if we even keep further scrolling, we see this

This even keeps going, to the final part of it as seen below:Unsurprisingly, none of this works.  But it does look pretty.  It is also half in Spanish, as it seems our developer thinks in more than one language.  We are in the process of trying to extract the malfunctioning parts of brain, to no avail.

Either way, we hopes that sooner or later there will be more advancement to this.  But at the current moment, we are at least happy that there is something to show finally on the "front end" as the developer tried to say before we decided we had enough of his talking.  We decided we had lynched him enough, so instead we started showering him with compliments.

It didn't seem to work, as all he gave us was a half working broken post sign up page.  As he uttered something about move fast and break things, we where reminded we had only lynched him, and this time it would be far more fitting to break his legs.

So we sent him on his way with the usual antics of "Break a leg"

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