Hello World

standup | Oct. 24, 2022, 2:11 a.m.

The purpose of this blog, like most things in life, is figured out at the most inconsequential moment of its existence, at its inception.  So therefore it is more so to document the amalgamation StandUp.net will become as it becomes it, than for any soul searching that could potentially occur by building such a thing. Although we do hope that the soul is found, since it is a rather arbitrary thing to lose.

At the current moment of writing StandUp.net looks like so

Giving the user the impression that the site actually works.  And in a sense, it sort of does.  But not really, it is simply the facade. As can be seen here in the create events page.

Moving on, we would like to point out the elephant in the room.  We are not second rate comedians or developers, despite the half broken site and the .net domain extension.  It's just that the .com was owned by comedy central; given they redirect it to some arbitrary YouTube page, we felt that starting with the second best domain for stand up, StandUp.net, was a good place to start.

Not for anything, but if some one at comedy central reads this, and decides what the hell, and just wants to pull a google and hand your competitor a domain, We are all for it and we will gladly upgrade to the .com, just send us an email to hello@standup.net with the title "I am from ComedyCentral and am not suiing you" at which point, you would have to have already redirected standup.com to standup.net for us to consider it a email of good faith.

Otherwise, like the rest of you, we will have to deal with just second rate domain, with top rated comedians and developers, who at some point will probably revolt and buy out comedy central. 

Also we probably will have some second and third rate comedians.  We all have to start some where.  Thankfully some of us start at the top and only go down from there.  Others, are lucky to be born third rate.  Like the .blog domain, or what this blog is written on.  Written on a .blog.  A dot blog, that is probably at least third rate. 

Realistically, we can't go up much more from here.  Not because of the rules of comedy, but because we are rather appeased with the second rate extension. 

Plus its not the extension that makes the site.  It's more so the hours of work the lone developer we are paying with a carrot stick in hopes he doesn't die of tendinitis.  As some of you who made it here, depending on what day this is, the site is probably only half functioning, like the person who is writing this blog post.

Thankfully we believe, like the economist, as a "... [venue] which hides the names of the [comedian] who write its articles in order to create the illusion that they dispense disinterested truth rather than opinion." or in other words, that the work should stand up for itself.  Like a baby, eight pound four ounces.

At least when it comes to the shenanigans we write on the tarnation called StandUp.blog, which is just an extension of StandUp.net but there its all about the comedians.  Not like this bastion of words that is this blog that exists only to update the workings of things related to the running of StandUp.net. And potentially random issues that may arise and or solutions, or just a well thought out rant completely related to nothing.  One can never know when an intern goes rouge and subtly adds testicles to an old blog post.

As this hopefully turns into something we all can use please come back and check it daily.  Otherwise, throw tomatoes, or go and find our developer and lynch him.  We are starving and honestly, its the only way we can feed ourselves or get him to progress faster.

Regardless, digressions aside, and there where a lot of them.  We are proud to start it off by posting the first blog post on this, showing that yes our developer can in fact make a crappy blog and a half working home page and write a blog post. 

In time we hope to harvest his brain and connect it to a keyboard so we don't have to wait for him to sleep to keep advancing more things for the pursuit of comedy.  But alas, we are simply humans equipped with nothing but humor.  So you will have to wait as it progresses, as we will as well.

Anyways, have your little fun, because soon the fun will be over and the laughs will start rolling in

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