If we could drug him, we would

standup | Aug. 3, 2023, 9:43 p.m.

But we think there are laws against this sort of thing.  But that does not mean we have not thought about the straight lampoon' of him. Give all the other torture methods we used where kosher in Guantanamo we thought this would suffice.

Regardless, he has continued on.  We saw some commits..

This has caused us angst before though, as we inspected and saw nothing.  But this time, we saw this

It started causing the equivalent emotion of hearing hootie and the blow fish let her cry in the background.

It felt like we had woken up alone, and we had found a note that said we would be back some day.

As we where feeling sorry for ourselves, we realized it was simple.  The gray meant that the days had passed.  We in fact where in August 3rd.

We simply let her cry, even though its a he.

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