Our developer has risen from the dead

standup | Aug. 2, 2023, 9:32 p.m.

And left us a still half functioning site, albeit a lot less hideous than before.  It seems he has started to gain some sort of momentum in his lethargic life.  As we have sadly noticed, beating him does nothing to further the development speed.

We have tried other forms of torture as well, but they only seem to leave us in shame pondering how we can fail so miserably in the motivation of a soulless developer.  Nonetheless, there was progress.  It seems it was his own doing.

The first noticeable difference, is that the navigation bar does not make us want to puke upon inspection.  There is also a somewhat noticeable color and size button change on the great wonderful pagination of calendar events.

There apparently was some other small updates done, such as the create event page was put behind the login.  It seems he has some sort of motivation to actually get people to make events by having them verify their email.

When asked what other updates he had for us, he simply shrugged and turned away.  We are unsure what inspired this move on his part, but we like the direction its going.  There was a glimpse of hope that the site will actually be fully functional soon, but the last time we heard that, it was in fact last year.

So here we are, progressing slowly, very slowly.  Guess not everyone can be an Eisenstein.

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