Progress in the most dismal sense

standup | Oct. 30, 2022, 1:41 a.m.

After countless of hours doing absolutely nothing but living, actually it might have been countless of days, it seems our developer has blessed us with what we can only claim as progress.  A new button

As many of you can see this hideous new gray button, called post event.  We would think that was massive progress.

Of course its not.  To any of you who have read anything on this blog, you would know that the only functioning thing on this entire site we call is the blog that isn't even on the .net domain.  At least its on a third rate extension, the dot blog.  So hope is dashed from the get go.

So here is a focus up of what progress has been made.

A post event button.  You would think by making it this bold and hideous our developer would of at least taken the time to make the post event page better, or even you know add in the missing forums, such as location as we feel that is important.  But no, it sits here, like the bastardization it is

Given we love our readers and users more than we love our developer we attempted to sack him. 

He reminded us that sacks are heavy. Our hands felt heavy when he pointed that out.  He trapped us with logic.  So despite our aggressive demands, we had to heed.  He also pointed out, that it looks even more hideous in mobile.

We had a blood vessel burst due to the shear terror of the mockery he has made of our masterpiece.

Needless to say, there was not much that could be done but hope a passerby is able to slap some sense into this man.  If we can even call him that.  He might already be too far gone.

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