The site is now functional

standup | Aug. 13, 2023, 12:56 a.m.

In what can only be described as divine intervention, our developer informed us today through telekinesis that he had in fact gotten a very rudimentary functioning website.  Despite us not believing him, we did in fact see that it did work.

As most humans with functioning reasoning could see that when the event was published, it did not in fact at all upload the picture, and still shows a little bit of spaglish.  Despite this, as most parents do when they realize their child may need special services, we simply smiled and congratulated our developer of a job well done and then started researching if it was lawful to kill for mercy.  But we did also see the event on the home page.

Despite our failed attempts to actually convince the our developer that we had no ill will when he found out our intentions, we pressed forward.  He offered us some words, unfortunatly we don't speak developer so simply reminded him that there was a link to an API page that also was not done.

He looked at us blankly, as most brain dead individuals do, and proceeded to nod in shame.  We hope further developments occur, but there really is no way of knowing.  His time schedule before this last update or what he has in mind is about as great of a mystery to us as time travel.  If only we had developed the wormhole before we committed to this developer we could of gone back in time and saved ourselves this trouble.

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