The work was minial

standup | Dec. 19, 2022, 6:53 a.m.

Despite the site not having much of anything to show.  It appears that our lone developer, whom we lynched in an earlier blog post, decided it was time to progress what we would decidedly describe as more of this "back end" crap. 

Now I know most of you would think, hey this little scrappy start up should be moving fast and breaking things.  That would in fact be right, if we where Facebook, thankfully we opted to keep our soul.  Well almost all of us, apparently our developer when he was younger, although not of age to sign a contract legally, signed away his soul for breakfast.  He honestly mottled something about Dick, we can only presume that must of meant some sort of homosexual experience.

According to him, that would be wrong.  It was more so just part of the name of the kid who got the contract.  Regardless, that still doesn't explain why the progress was all back end.  We tried hearing his sob story and acting like this therapist, but as he hung there from the previous lynching, it occurred to us that the only way we got progress was by lynching him, again.

So we unhooked him.  Surprisingly he was still alive from our last interaction.  Gave him a bit of time away from us, and then came back and lynched him, yet again.

So there he hangs now, also he slowly pointed to the fact that now when you hit the next month and previous month buttons stay formatted and don't look bad; the create event page works and that he changed up colors a bit as well.

We hope his Houdini like abilities in some how re-birthing himself after each reprimand progresses more.  But we wont hold our breath.  Although he might.

Right before we heard the snap, we did speak fast in hopes to convince us saying something about no really, the site will function better sooner than later.  But we simply did what we always do, shot first and asked questions later.

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